SUAD JUFFALI – KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA Dr. Suad Juffali is a prominent philanthropist and esteemed social figure known for…
ANDRÉ AZOULAY – MOROCCO André Azoulay, a senior advisor to King Mohammed VI of Morocco, previously served under King Hassan…
HE HANAN ASHRAWI – PALESTINE A distinguished Palestinian leader, legislator, activist, and scholar, HE Dr. Hanan Ashrawi has played pivotal…
MOATAZ AL-ALFI – EGYPT Moataz Al-Alfi is the Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Egypt Kuwait Holding (EKH), a major private…
HRH PRINCESS BANDERI ALFAISAL – KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA HRH Princess Banderi AlFaisal served as the Director General of the…
HE SHAIKHA MAI AL-KHALIFA – BAHRAIN HE Shaikha Mai Al Khalifa, as president of the Bahrain Authority for Culture and…
MARC LEVY – FRANCE Renowned French author Marc Levy has captivated millions of readers worldwide, but his journey to literary…
ISSA ABU ISSA – QATAR Issa Abu Issa serves as the Chairman and CEO of Salam International Investments and Salam…
NORA JOUMBLATT – LEBANON Nora Joumblatt, a respected Lebanese figure, is known for her women’s rights advocacy, particularly empowering rural…
CARLOS GHOSN – LEBANON Described by Forbes as “the hardest-working man in the brutally competitive global car business”, Mr. Carlos…