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André Azoulay, a senior advisor to King Mohammed VI of Morocco, previously served under King Hassan II. Currently, he presides over the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue Between Cultures in Alexandria, Egypt, and leads the Executive Committee of the Foundation for the Three Cultures and the Three Religions. He’s a founding member of the C-100 Davos Forum for the Dialogue of Civilizations and Religions and was once Executive Vice-President of BNP Paribas, Paris. With a career at Paribas Bank, he oversaw the Middle East and North Africa regions and managed the Public Affairs department.

As counsel to both King Hassan II and King Mohammed VI, he spearheaded economic reforms since the early 1990s, advocating for privatization and deregulation. Stressing the importance of the private sector and international investment, he’s been pivotal in sustaining Morocco’s economic growth. Educated in Paris, his studies encompassed economics, journalism, and international relations.