The Elham Community comprises 78 educational innovators from Palestinian schools, alongside a wide network of partners working within a multi-sector national and local framework to integrate Elham’s initiatives into the education and health systems. These initiatives, led by students, teachers, principals, and counselors, focus on enhancing students’ skills, learning capacities, and psychosocial well-being. They aim to create stimulating learning environments, nurture talents, and promote civic values, contributing significantly to Palestinian school environments and student development.
Elham’s success is supported by a community of partners, including the Network of Elham local committees and Elham’s local Evaluation Committees. These groups—comprising over 200 representatives from educational, health, youth, and women’s sectors—ensure local engagement across Palestinian districts by conducting screenings and site visits for project applicants.
The Elham Partners Council, which includes leaders from government, business, and civil society, has secured the endorsement of the Palestinian prime minister, establishing Elham Palestine as a national incubator for educational innovation. The council members include the Secretary General of the Universal Education Foundation, Palestinian ministers, and CEOs from the Welfare Association, Paltel Group, and the Palestine Investment Fund. Elham has gained international recognition from respected institutions such as OECD, European Foundations, and the Synergos Institute, and won the 2009 Global Best Award for an Innovative Partnership in Learning and Well-Being.