Sandra was previously the editor-in-chief for Hia magazine, the affluent Arab women’s magazine that was launched in August 1992 for the Arab press house. In December 2008, she joined Zaggora, a London-based property fund as a partner. The fund specialized in off-the-market commercial properties and landmarks in central London. In December 2010, she launched Arab and Asian women Now. The latter were online magazines aimed to empower both Arab and Asian women by providing them with the tools to find their own purpose as well as support different charities in the Middle East. The above also promoted different talents and artists from the Middle East in addition to offering virtual visits to beautiful homes all around the UK making it an all-inclusive fun and informative experience.
Sandra has worked alongside numerous charitable foundations among them Amar and different others that help youth struggling with mental health. She was also an active supporter of the john Hopkins charity in Lebanon helping young refugees from Palestine and Syria suffering from terminal illnesses as well as the Braveheart fund. Sandra graduated from AUB in political science and public administration and holds a Masters in international relations from the University of Southern California.